
Dory lives 2.5 miles from school. Jim lives 3.2 kilometers from school. Ely lives 2300 meters from school, and Chris lives 3000 yards from school. Which lists the students from closest to farthest from school? (1 mi = 1.61 km; 1 m = 1.09 yd;1 km = 1000 m)

Accepted Solution

Answer: [tex]Ely, Chris, Jim, Dory[/tex]Step-by-step explanation: The distances must be expressed in the same uni. Let's express the distance in meters. We know that Dory lives 2.5 miles from school. Since: [tex]1\ mi = 1.61\ km[/tex] The distance  in kilometers is: [tex](2.5\ mi)(\frac{1.61\ km}{1\ mi})=4.025\ km[/tex] Since [tex]1\ km = 1,000\ m[/tex] The distance in meters is: [tex](4.025\ km)(\frac{1,000\ m}{1\ km})=4,025\ m[/tex]  Jim lives 3.2 kilometers from school. The distance in meters is: [tex](3.2\ km)(\frac{1,000\ m}{1\ km})=3,200\ m[/tex] Chris lives 3,000 yards from school. Since: [tex]1\ m = 1.09\ yd[/tex] The distance in meters is: [tex](3,000\ yd)(\frac{1\ m}{1.09\ yd})=2,752.29\ m[/tex] Therefore, the order of the students from closest to farthest from school is:[tex]Ely, Chris, Jim, Dory[/tex]